Dear Researchers !
I have Good News For All Of You !
"CrowdCurity" The company from Denmark which is a new platform for facilitating vulnerability Reward/Bug Bounty Programs :
CrowdCurity is providing an easy to use platform for crowdsourced security testing of web applications. Many of the big companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft do public vulnerability reward programs to test the security of their web applications. CrowdCurity delivers a service that enables all companies to publish and manage their own vulnerability reward programs in a few easy steps. For the security testers CrowdCurity offers a one-stop-shop for vulnerability reward programs from multiple companies.
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I have Good News For All Of You !

"CrowdCurity" The company from Denmark which is a new platform for facilitating vulnerability Reward/Bug Bounty Programs :
CrowdCurity is providing an easy to use platform for crowdsourced security testing of web applications. Many of the big companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft do public vulnerability reward programs to test the security of their web applications. CrowdCurity delivers a service that enables all companies to publish and manage their own vulnerability reward programs in a few easy steps. For the security testers CrowdCurity offers a one-stop-shop for vulnerability reward programs from multiple companies.
Our Aim is to enable
companies small and big to tap into the huge potential of crowdsourced
security testing. We believe it is part of the future toolbox to achieve
better Internet security. Our plan is to go live with the first programs in 'September' and then do
an upscale.
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